Simple Bracelet/Collar with D-Ring

This one you can order for yourself and your pet. Made of premium hand-cut and dyed ¾ inch leather, it has a nickel-plated buckle and D-ring held securely in place with n/p rivets.

Colors: Purple, red, black, or tan.

Price: $20.00 USD.


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Bracelet and Collar Set

This set comes with both a collar and bracelet to match. Both are cut from premium grade leather, 2 inches wide and grooved along the outside edge. Set with 1¼ inch and ½ inch riveted nickel-plated spikes and two black snaps to hold it in place, it can be ordered with a D-ring in place of 3 spikes.

Colors: Purple, red, black, or tan.

Price: $65.00 USD.


* When Ordering this Item, Please Add A Message With The Size

The products on this site are for use as novelties. FloggersbyKurt and its respective owners, agents, and suppliers assume no responsibility for illegal, unsafe, or misuse of these products. Please check your local laws for restrictions.